docker Featured Migrating to docker-compose When I first setup my Docker VM on my Proxmox machine I did it on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS with a desktop environment installed because I was still very new to using command line. A desktop environment to manage everything with just seemed easier at the time. I also
linux Featured Wireguard - fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel Wireguard is a VPN(virtual private network) protocol that allows you to connect to a network from a registered device outside of it. Once the connection is established, it's as if you are browsing your LAN. VPNs to home or business networks aren't anything new, but the recent rise in
linux Featured Linux UpSkill Challenge Day 10 through 20(End) - Cron, SFTP, logrotate, and final thoughts on the lessons I ended up with an unexpected day off work yesterday, so I decided since I had some extra free time from coursework to finish up the rest of the days for the UpSkill challenge. To finish up on the focus of logs that I've been making sure I get when
linux Linux UpSkill Challenge Day 7 through 9 - Apache, Grep, and Firewalls Day 7 involved installing Apache2 on my Ubuntu server, which in troubleshooting inadvertently ended up with me doing things in Day 9 until I figured out my error. Installing Apache allows you to display a webpage and route traffic on your server through Ports 80 and/or 443 depending on
linux Linux UpSkill Challenge Day 4 through 6 - Installing applications, tab complete and vim + vimtutor Days 4 through 6 covers how to actually install applications remotely, some quality of life commands to make using the command line better, and vim. Since these are things I have some familiarity with I figured it'd be best to go over vimtutor here as opposed to in a 100DaysofCode
linux Linux UpSkill Challenge Day 3 - sudo and auth.log One thing that I've been pretty poor at is checking logs. I think I can count on 1 hand the number of time I've used Event Viewer on Windows in the 21 years I was using it. It wasn't until I started using NGINX as my reverse proxy that I
linux Linux UpSkill Challenge Day 0 through 2 - Setup and CLI Basics I took a big break during the summer with work starting up again and everything happening with COVID-19 here in the city, I will get back to the Python practice as much as I can during this semester that sees me taking 5 classes while distance learning. One extra bit
homelab Ombi - Self Hosted Plex/Emby Content Request Application While surfing Reddit I came across someone who had this application listed in their docker apps, I googled it and instantly wanted it for my Plex server. Essentially allows other users that have access to your Plex server to search for content. If the content is already available it will
java Reading a folder with unknown number of files in Java One step of my second assignment in constructing a playlist involved reading in a list of csv files to construct the playlist from. I wanted to make a pretty comprehensive way to do it without listing all the files in the program incase we had to revisit this for the
java Using OpenCSV to parse CSV files in Java Part of my degree path in Information Systems requires taking my programming classes in Java so far, and that includes Data Structures. Due to the nature of the course, majority of our assignments involve parsing data in a manner that we judge appropriate relative to the data we are working
homelab Upgrading a ZFS Raid-1 Root Drive in Proxmox When first making my Proxmox server I just used drives I had left over from upgrading previous builds, I had the boot drives as a set of 120gb Sandisk SSDs, 2 Crucial 250gb SSDs as a ZFS Raid-1 holding my VMs, and a 250gb Corsair Force MP510 setup as a